If you are interested in finding out how much money you can save with a foam roofing system, receive a free foam roofing quote in Phoenix today by filling out our short contact form or by giving us a call at 480-964-4006.
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Foam Roofing has Many Advantages over Traditional Roofing Methods. As you read through this web site you will learn a lot more about them. Here are some brief examples!
Polyurethane foam is applied as a liquid, creating a single monolithic membrane that covers the entire roof. There are no seams or joints, the source of the majority of leaks in traditional roofs.
The foam can be sprayed onto virtually any surface, irregularly shaped roofs and protrusions are readily taken care of.
Foam roofing typically weighs around 50 lbs. per square, versus 800 lbs. for a built-up roof and 100 lbs. for ballasted single-ply roofs.
Foamed roofs require a minimum of upkeep, creating little waste and have an indefinite lifespan.
Thermal Insulation
SPF has the best insulating properties available for commercial construction today.Sprayed polyurethane foam has an R-value of 7.14 per 1 inch thickness, enabling it to provide more thermal resistance than any other type of roofing insulation.Foam roofing produces energy savings of up to 30% or greater when compared to the alternative roofing systems. The cost of the roof can easily be recovered in under 5 years, simply through these energy savings alone! SPF systems are frequently used to insulate and protect a wide variety of specialty structures.
Phoenix Foam Roofs | Foam Roofing Systems | Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing
Spray Polyurethane Foam has been used as a roofing and insulation material for over 45 years. During this time, foam roofing systems have proven themselves through comprehensive, independent studies to be dependable, long lasting, and very affordable. Today there are foam roofs that have been in place for decades, and by all appearances they should be able to last indefinitely as long as they are properly maintained.
What Is Spray Polyurethane Foam?
Sprayed Polyurethane Foam is a combination of isocyanate and polyol. These two components are fed through a proportioner which heats then pumps the two separate components to the spray gun, where they are mixed and sprayed onto the substrate. Because it is sprayed onto the roof as a liquid, it forms a single continuous structure that is seamless and very stable. SPF requires a clean surface for proper application. It must be dry, free of contaminants like oil, and properly fastened to the substrate in accordance with the proper building codes. A protective elastomeric top coat is required which is typically sprayed on.